Linear EXpressions

Linear expression are a intuitive pattern language to find or check patterns and their end position in byte sequences. They are simpler, often faster and more predictable than regular expressions.

In case of a mismatch they point out the problematic position in both pattern and input sequence.

They do not offer features like capturing or input replacement.


Linear expressions are my solution to define patterns for terminals in an AST. Terminal here is understood as any sequence of characters (or bytes) that describes one atomic thing. A leaf in a parse tree. Like identifiers or number and string literals.

With the goal of implementing a full general parser with very little code the use of regular expressions is not an option. Besides, they are a complex general tool that is hard to predict and master. A specific solution tweaked to the needs can be simpler and more predictable.


Goal: a minimal set of features that allow to define intuitive patterns to match quite complex terminals.

A thread-safe interpreter matching function that is allocation-free and has neither global state nor a compilation or validation phase. The function is embeddable into a general parser and returns the match end position in input and pattern.

The matching does not care about language level constraints, like a exact length limitation. These can be checked at a later compilation stage.

The implementation does not require further libraries and is only based on fundamental programing concepts that are easy to port to about any language.


Rules are byte instructions designed to give the appearance of syntax, but there is none. It is a byte-encoded interpreted language.


A + followed by more + is a slower version of one +.


Groups can be nested. The opening bracket controls the type of group. The regex * (zero or more) can be build using [...]+.

Open groups at the end of a pattern are implicitly closed.


To embed an expression in another byte encoded instruction language the pattern can be enclosed in backticks: `...`. The ` instruction exits the current group unless it is the first byte in a group or pattern. As such it serves as a marker for the beginning of an embedded expression.


A ~ followed by more ~ its a slower version of one ~. A ~ followed by a + is always a mismatch.


Within a set {...} bytes are matched literally, except:

A range’s upper and lower bounds are inclusive and can use flipped @x or escaped \x bounds. However, the upper bound is always interpreted literally.

There are extra shorthands instructions for common sets:


Any other byte (not {}()[]#@^_$+~?`\) is matched literally. To match instructions literally they can be escaped with \. In general any byte can be escaped (also true in sets).


In general the matching is not (and should not be) aware of encoding. This plays well with some encodings, like UTF-8, and badly with others.

UTF-8 literals can be matched by defining the pattern in UTF-8 too. Sets can allow any non-ASCII byte with {?...}+ what includes any non ASCII UTF-8 symbol. Most often this is sufficient for lexing.

Principles and Properties

Consequently the parser must make progress either in input or pattern. Otherwise a mismatch has been found at the current input position. This also implies that identifying a mismatch is always faster than a successful match.

The worst cases are scanning ~, optional groups [...] and excessive sets {...} that try to match and otherwise recover by making progress in either the input (~) or the pattern ([...], {...}). In all other cases progress is always made in both. Consequently mismatches are most often identified immediately.

The computational complexity is (almost) never worse than O(n)1). In worst case n is the longer length (of input or pattern). In best case n is the shorter length (of input or pattern). Whence the name linear expressions.

No heap memory is needed to process matching. A matching function can be written in about 100 LOC.

The matching is designed to find the first match. Matching always ends on first not recovered mismatch. Hence, the greedy + will not backtrack in case of a mismatch.

It is by design impossible to find the longest or shortest match as this would already theoretically contradict the goal properties described above. Some pattern can be designed so that the first match must as well be the shortest or longest but generally this is not possible.


Examples of a pattern an the inputs they match:






Phone Numbers


Linear expressions have no OR construct. While this makes them (mostly) linear some patterns naturally ask for multiple cases.

In such cases a common super-pattern is used that potentially matches more but does not conflict with other patterns. Full conformity is then checked in later stages of the parsing.

A rough pattern to e.g. match any java number is:


It would wrongly match . or .. or ..0.0 or hexadecimal numbers with a floating point tail. But it does not accept something as a number that is another valid language token. The number tokens would need an additional check at a later stage, similar to a overall length check.

A better solution, however, is to design the language so that such irregularities do not occur. In case of java’s numbers we could disallow a floating point to start with a bare ., what would give the language the property of all number literals starting with a digit and the pattern could be simplified to:


Therefore the limitation is less considered a problem and more a guide to keep a language regular.

Also cases are often better handled as different terminal tokens of the language. So in practice cases do occur on a different level making this a non-issue.

Integers, floats, binary and hexadecimal literals could be:


The OR would occur on parser level where they could be in reverse order (compared to above) to match first correctly.


In a very much non-systematic measurement using JMH the performance is on par with regular expressions in most cases.

The compiling phase needed for regular expressions was not included in the time measured in the assumption that this cost usually is only payed once. If this cost would be included Lex is most often faster as it has no such cost.

Consider also that Lex is allocation free while RegEx most likely is not.

Scanning through text can be about 5 times faster than regular expressions when using a performance optimisation for ~. That one comes at the cost of about 50 LOC – what is a lot – considering the whole basic implementation is about 100 LOC.

The fast path only works when ~ is followed by literal printable ASCII symbols ~fo+ or a group starting with such a symbol, like ~(fo+). Deeper nesting would also work, like ~((fo+)bar) or even ~(foo~(bar)). The speed gain is proportional to the length of the literal sequence. A longer sequence is found faster. Theoretically it can be extended to also work with sets but that is another 50 LOC or so. Rough number: a 20 MB text file can be searched in about 100ms. No grep but pretty good for a small tool.


On Groups

On Scanning

On Sets

On Literals

1) A pattern with cascaded scans ~(x~(y~z)) on a input with a lot of x might be as bad as almost O(n2). This is both abusing the tool and highly unlikely.